Learn about the procedures for taking pets with passengers while travelling


 Learn about the procedures for taking pets with passengers while travelling

Pet procedures while traveling
Pet procedures while traveling

Many pet owners ask about the ways to travel with them on planes, which is subject to requirements from airline companies and rules that must be followed

A person monitored the ways in which pets travel, which were as follows: - You must contact the airline you will be traveling on, to ensure that the animal is allowed to be accompanied, and most airlines now agree to travel, but under certain conditions, and you must contact and inform them of the travel of an accompanying animal at least 48 hours before the flight. Companies require 72 hours

Pet procedures while traveling
Pet procedures while traveling

Airlines inform passengers that live animals are not included in the free baggage allowance for passengers, so there are instructions to call before traveling and pay the amounts required for the animal’s travel

Airlines approve the travel of pets (dogs and cats), when properly prepared and accompanied by a valid health vaccination certificate. The age of live animals is subject to customs regulations in the transit country to which they are intended to arrive. The traveler bears full responsibility for the animal, and does not include the free baggage allowed for the traveler. The weight of the accompanying pet. Fees for this weight will be charged according to the airline's excess baggage rate

Pet procedures while traveling
Pet procedures while traveling

- Airlines assure the traveler that they do not bear any responsibility for the injury, loss, delay, illness or death of pets, or in the event that they are refused entry into any country to which the passenger is traveling

Learn about the procedures for taking pets with passengers while travelling
Learn about the procedures for taking pets with passengers while travelling

Airlines inform the passenger that pets are subject to customs regulations in the country of arrival, and passengers who bring their pets are not allowed to sit in the emergency exit rows for safety reasons, and a live animal will not be allowed as checked baggage according to the final destination unless the reservation is made for the connecting flight.” “Transit” of another air carrier

Airlines explain that they have the right to make the final decision regarding the acceptance of pets, and they have the right to refuse to transport live animals at any time, even after accepting them, for operational reasons or insufficient ventilation, and accordingly the company has the right to remove pets from the plane without any responsibility on them

Learn about the procedures for taking pets with passengers while travelling
Learn about the procedures for taking pets with passengers while travelling

The pet's health record must be presented for examination upon registration. The animal must be attached to the micro ID chip required when traveling abroad. The pet's passport must also be presented. Live animals can only be transported to countries that allow this and subject to the conditions required and operated by that country

The traveler must carry enough food for his animal during the trip

Learn about the procedures for taking pets with passengers while travelling
Learn about the procedures for taking pets with passengers while travelling

Most airlines only allow cats and dogs inside the plane with the passenger, but the total weight of the animal and the cage does not exceed 8 kg, and the maximum dimensions of the cage do not exceed 55 + 40 + 20 cm, and the presence of the pet in the cabin is limited to one animal per container. Each passenger is allowed to take one container

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