Favorite food for dogs


Favorite food for dogs
Favorite food for dogs

Favorite food for dogs

Dogs training

Dogs training
Dogs training

Dog breeding is fun for many but also a big responsibility, doing it right means careful planning and extreme care because it can be sad and expensive if the puppies have health or psychological problems as well

In order to take this step, you must be familiar with everything related to dog breeding, from the appropriate and preferred food for them and the food that is forbidden to be served, to knowing some of the activities that dogs love and love to practice, and most importantly how to breed them and deal with the pregnancy period and ways to care for small puppies

Foods that are not recommended to be fed to dogs

Foods that are not recommended to be fed to dogs
Foods that are not recommended to be fed to dogs


Xylitol: Candy, gum, toothpaste, baked goods, and some diet foods are sweetened with xylitol. This is a type of sweetener that can cause a dog's blood sugar to drop and can also cause liver failure. Early symptoms include vomiting and lethargy



 Excessive intake of avocado may cause vomiting or diarrhea in dogs, avocado seeds can lodge in the intestines or stomach and blockage can be fatal


Alcohol has the same effect on the dog's liver and brain as it does on humans, but it takes much less time in dogs. As soon as a little alcohol is consumed, the dog develops vomiting, diarrhea, breathing problems, coma, and even death

Onions and garlic

Onions and garlic can kill red blood cells in dogs, causing anemia

Coffee, Tea, and Other Caffeine: Caffeine can be fatal to dogs, so take care to keep dogs away from coffee, tea, cocoa, chocolate, and energy drinks

Grapes and raisins: Grapes and raisins can cause kidney failure in dogs. Just a small amount makes the dog sick, vomiting frequently, lethargy and depression

Milk and other dairy products

 Too much milk and its products can cause diarrhea and other digestive problems, and can also cause food allergies, which can cause them to itch


Most people know that chocolate is bad for dogs. The problem with chocolate is theobromine, an ingredient found in all types of chocolate, even white chocolate. Chocolate can cause a dog to vomit, have diarrhea, heart problems, tremors, seizures, and death

Fat and bones

 Fat from cooked and uncooked meat can cause pancreatitis in dogs. Although it seems normal to give a dog a bone, it can choke on it. Bones can also crack and cause wounds to your dog's digestive system

Raw eggs

 Some people feed their dogs a “raw diet” that includes uncooked eggs, but veterinarians have recommended not to do so because it poses a risk to the health of dogs

Peaches, plums, and cocoa

the problem with these fruits is the seeds, as their seeds can cause problems in the small intestine of the dog, and also block the intestines. Peach and plum seeds also contain cyanide, which is a toxic substance

Raw meat and fish

 Like raw eggs, raw meat and fish can contain bacteria that cause food poisoning

Salty foods

It is not a good idea for dogs to eat salty foods such as potato chips or salty biscuits. Eating too much salt can make the dog feel very thirsty. Symptoms of too much salt also include vomiting, diarrhea, depression, shivering, high fever, and seizures that may even cause death

Sugary foods and drinks

Too much sugar can do the same thing to dogs as it does to humans, it can make your dog overweight, cause dental problems and even lead to diabetes

Dog food favorites

Dog food favorites
Dog food favorites

Dogs have a different digestive system than humans, and this means that some foods that are safe for humans can be harmful or even very dangerous for dogs. However, many human foods are also safe for dogs and can provide them with important health benefits and they prefer their taste as well, and they are represented in the following list

natural foods


Carrots are a healthy food for dogs, and chewing carrots can help remove plaque from their teeth and promote dental health. It is also a good source of vitamin A and is beneficial for the dog’s immune system, but it must be eaten in moderation so that excessive intake does not cause poisoning


Apples provide several important vitamins for dogs, including vitamins A and C, and are also a good source of fiber, which can help regulate the dog's digestion

White rice

 Plain, cooked white rice can be a good option for a dog with an upset stomach as it is easier to digest and aids in bowel movements

Dairy products

Dairy products such as milk, cheese, and plain yogurt are safe for dogs, but in very small quantities, because eating them in excess leads to the major problems mentioned above


 Salmon, shrimp, and tuna are all safe for dogs and good sources of protein, provided they are cooked well before serving them


 Plain, boiled chicken without seasoning is a good option when your dog has an upset stomach

Peanut butter

Unsalted peanut butter with no added sugar or sweeteners is safe for dogs, but in moderation

Regular popcorn

Regular popcorn can be a delicious meal for dogs, but without salt, butter, or sugar, as popcorn contains minerals such as magnesium, phosphorous, and zinc, all of which are important for keeping dogs healthy


Cooked turkey is safe for dogs, as many commercial dog foods contain turkey as a good source of protein


Berries are safe for dogs and a rich source of fiber and antioxidants


Dogs can eat bananas in moderation as they are full of magnesium, which is important for bone health


Cucumber is a safe and low-calorie snack for dogs and can be a good option for those who are overweight

Green Beans

 Plain green beans are a good and healthy snack for dogs. They are a source of protein and also contain calcium, iron and vitamin K


 Dogs can safely eat the flesh of watermelon, but do not feed them the seeds or the rind. Watermelon is a delicacy for them

Processed or commercial foods

Processed or commercial foods
Processed or commercial foods

There are three main types of commercial dog food (wet, dry and semi-moist) and the three types differ in a number of characteristics including moisture content, palatability or taste, nutritional benefits and cost

wet food

All wet foods contain 75 to 80 percent water, 8 to 15 percent protein, and 2 to 15 percent fat. Because of the higher moisture content, dogs can eat more of this type of food without gaining weight

Canned wet foods offer higher palatability when compared to dry and semi-moist products which is good for fussy eaters and toothless dogs, but wet food also has a higher cost per serving

dry food

Dry food comes in sachets and contains 18 to 40 percent protein, 7 to 22 percent fat, 12 to 50 percent carbohydrates and about 10 percent moisture

Dry dog food comes in different shapes, sizes, and colors because dogs distinguish the texture, density, size, and shape of the food, and the way they sense the food in the mouth contributes to its palatability. In addition, food stays fresh longer than semi-moist and canned foods

Semi-moist food

This type of food is usually sold in boxes with pouches and contains approximately 15 to 25 percent protein, 5 to 10 percent fat, 25 to 35 percent carbohydrates and about 30 percent water

Semi-moist food is very palatable although more expensive than dry food, however this type should not be fed as a substitute for dry or wet food as it is high in sugar and salt

Dog feeding advice

Buy dog food that is commercially available rather than homemade because it can be difficult to provide everything your dog needs in a homemade diet

Look for food that is labeled "complete," which means it contains all of the recommended nutrients your dog will need

Make sure the food is designed for your dog's life stage - for example a puppy food that is different from an adult dog food or a senior dog food

Some dogs seem to like (or dislike) certain flavors of food, so find out what flavors they like

Dogs are omnivores which means they can eat both meat and plant foods

The type and amount of food a dog needs depends on its breed, gender, age, health and lifestyle. For example, a working sheepdog needs much more energy than a small dog that spends most of the day indoors

Use the directions on the package as a starting point and always weigh your dog's food

If you are not sure of the proper amount to feed your dog, talk to your vet about designing a feeding plan for your dog

If your dog changes his eating habits or begins to gain or lose weight, contact your vet for advice as this may be a sign that your dog is not feeling well

Most owners feed their dogs twice a day, and young dogs with active lifestyles can benefit from feeding them twice a day in order to keep their energy levels up and glucose levels regulated

Dogs who have difficulty absorbing nutrients or have difficulty maintaining weight may benefit from being fed several small meals per day

If you need to change your dog's diet for any reason, remember to do so slowly and carefully. Sudden changes in food can cause upset stomachs, so you need to introduce the new food gradually and gradually weed out the old food

Veterinarians advise against feeding bones, leftovers, bits of meat, and other waste to your dog

Dogs eat at the age of 3 months

Dogs eat at the age of 3 months
Dogs eat at the age of 3 months

Lean meat

Small amounts of turkey, chicken, and lean beef are good for puppies, but avoid pork as it can be difficult to digest. Also, make sure not to give your dog any meat that contains cooked poultry bones or pork bones


Cooked or raw vegetables such as broccoli, carrots, and asparagus can be great foods for puppies and dogs in general


Remember to remove seeds in fruit that can be toxic or cause a blockage in the intestines. Great fruits for puppies include oranges, which contain vitamin C. Apples can also help with healthy teeth when chewed. Bananas, cantaloupe, and watermelon are also good for puppies


Potatoes, rice and bread should be limited to small quantities because they are high in calories, while avoiding offering sauces such as gravy with starches because they may be heavy on their digestive system


Puppies may love milk, but mother's milk is different from the cow's milk that humans drink. Puppies often cannot digest milk easily and it can cause them to have diarrhea. Instead, try offering a little plain yogurt

What is a dog's favorite food, fish or bones

Dogs especially prefer bones over fish, while fish is a favorite meal for cats

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